Unicorns' Opal - Reviews

Book Two of the Sword of Heavens

Warning: Clicking on the reviews may contain more information about the plot and characters than you care to know before you read the book


Review 1: Molly Martin - Molly's Reviews

Superb Read Highly recommended 5 stars

Unicorn’s Opal Book 2 Sword of Heaven series is another in the exceptional series produced by talented writer Richard Tuttle. Tuttle’s quick wit, unprecedented use of words and fertile imagination all serve him well in crafting works of singular interest. Writer Tuttle sets lusty, creditable characters against a backdrop of spectacle, resonance and redolence. Tuttle’s characters are all beset with the foibles of us all.  They experience happiness, disappointment, defeat and victory with much the same behavior as any of us might. And, that is exactly what makes Tuttle’s books a joy to read. Whether human, unicorn, bird and evil mage we can identify with the character and the emotion felt.

Filled with the fast-paced action, industrious behavior and thoughtful dialogue typifying each of Tuttle’s works Unicorn’s Opal Book 2 Sword of Heaven series does not disappoint. The reader is carried along on an exciting ride from the opening lines as the young adventurers awaken to a lovely sunrise. Told in twenty six chapters the excitement continues right on into the battles, escapades and at last the finding of the opal.

Tuttle adds a map of the known world, and a recap of Sword of Heaven for those who have not yet read that book. I found this to be one of the best of Writer Tuttle’s works to date.

Review 2 Jeanette Cottrell, eBook Reviews Weekly
  Mr. Tuttle shows skill in plotting his fantasy, and covers a wide territory, both strategic and political. However, the bad guys have all the best lines. Dialog among the heroes is apt to be repetitive and sometimes plodding. A couple of subplots took my fancy, notably the renegade Prophecy Child. Unicorns' Opal is fairly good fantasy with some interesting touches.

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