Unicorns' Opal: Book
Two of Sword of Heavens by Richard S. Tuttle
Mr. Tuttle shows skill in plotting his fantasy,
and covers a wide
territory, both strategic and political. However, the bad guys
have all the best lines. Dialog among the heroes is apt to be
repetitive and sometimes plodding. A couple of subplots took my
fancy, notably the renegade Prophecy Child. Unicorns' Opal is
fairly good fantasy with some interesting touches.
Synopsis: (May reveal
much of the plot)
When the evil Sarac took power, all the skies of
the world went
dark. Only the Prophecy Children, with the aid of the Sword of
Heavens, can free the skies from pollution, and their people from
Sarac's domination. With the help of their friends, both human
and magical, Tedi and Niki must fight the forces ranged against
them, including dark riders, black devils, goblins, and
In this second book of the series, the Sword of Heaven guides the
"Rangers" towards the next realm to be freed. A host of
problems faces them. Not only must they escape Sarac's forces as
they travel, but they must somehow obtain the financial and human
resources to field an army. As if that weren't enough, one of the
Prophecy Children shows a disturbing tendency to work for her own
ends. Is the prophecy mistaken, or did it refer to other people